How it works

How to get a play on TPL

There are three ways to get a rehearsed reading onto TPL:

Collaborate with us

We love working in association with our Partners to find and share new work on the network.

Get in touch if you have a play, new writing initiative, or project that might benefit from a collaboration with us!

Upload your films

TPL accepts uploads from producers who want to present their own filmed readings on the network.

We just ask for a small upload fee and your work will be available to all our members (subject to approval).

Submit your play

TPL often collaborates with our Partners to accept submissions from writers for a filmed reading.

To find out what opportunities are currently available please check our our Playwright’s page.

Once it’s available on the network

Along with the video link of the reading, we provide important information about the play such as the cast size, key themes, synopsis, playwright’s biography, production history, and information about the original producers. We also provide relevant contact details so that any members interested in initiating a dialogue have the playwright, agent or producer’s details. As TPL doesn’t get involved in brokering deals, all conversations happen offline.

We understand that not everyone wants to present their work publicly. That’s why we offer a “closed release” option, where films are only shared with a pre-agreed list of members.


TPL’s cost-and-obligation free membership is reserved for theatre professionals looking to access our collection of rehearsed readings.

Our members span every corner of the world: from the UK, South Africa, China, Australia, Canada and USA.

If you’re interested in joining the network, please email us.